Thursday, September 24, 2009

My day at office..

I will write from today...n i have a reason..
I wonder how blog became popular among people round the world....for me its nothing more than a punching bag to take out my frustration of a bad day at office..
Professional life sucks..n i am getting to feel it now..Politics,diplomatism,credit fight,double standards thats all you learn and experience once you get into the work environment..that indeed is what people call 'the work culture'.The work environment becomes even worst when the people you interact with all day are all 'buggers'..big ones!!The people who try to be so principled and ethical behave as if the word itself becomes so unfamiliar to if never known..
I regret y dese things aren't taught in schools so that even i cud learn a bit of it..or atleast i shudve met such people before to have learnt a lesson long back..but as dey say..its better late dan never..!let me also taste a bit of it..

1 comment:

  1. its not just about blogging..ppl take up writing to say what they cannot verbally. its a sum total of the pent up emotions inside ones head that comes out on paper. so its always a good thing to maintain a personal diary (or electronically a blog).

    as far as ethics are concerned, you can only be moral with people who are moral with you. its a wild wild world. people (read beasts) who are coming to eat you wont stop if u smile to them or lend the other cheek! you have to kill what might kill you....
